Book a Pod

Booking Rates

You can book your Pod and pay securely online by credit card through our MindBody e-reservation platform.

Simply create your customer account and choose from our offers: per session, in packages, or with a monthly direct debit option from your bank account. Below, you'll find our pricing grid and take advantageof our gift cards.

CEach Pod is located in a separate room, equipped with its own shower so you can enjoy your Pod in complete privacy. The sensory isolation tank is a pool filled with Epsom salt-saturated water (Magnesium salt). The Pods are fully filtered between each session to ensure your experience is as perfect as possible.

Frequently asked questions

The session from 49€*

Discovery Rate
Duo offer: come as a group of 2
(Everyone has their own Bubble)
Full price
Monthly subscription
Pack 3 Sessions
Pack 5 Sessions
Student & Job seeker
*see eligibility conditions depending on center

1 session = 60 minutes in the water.
All our sessions are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase